COMING EVENT: *  Early Morning Communion Service Monday – Friday @ 7.15am *  Mid-Week Communion on Wednesdays @ 7.15am *  Sung Eucharist 1st Sunday of the month *  End of the month Thanksgiving 1st Sunday of the month *  Community Hymn Singing 3rd Sunday of the month *  Youth Sunday 3rd Sunday of every month…


PATH TO DIVINE SATISFACTION: ABIDE IN CHRIST “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are…

Food for Thoughts

Theme: THE REDEMPTIVE WORK OF CHRIST : VICTORY OVER TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS TEXT : “Beloved people of God, I want you to count it all joy, whenever you encounter various trials or temptations, knowing full well, that when your faith is tested, such testing of your faith helps to build perseverance and enables your endurance…


WELCOME: VISITORS & THOSE WORSHIPPING AFTER A LONG ABSENCE FROM THE CHURCH: The Clergy, Wardens and Council welcome you on behalf of the congregation to our church. We are truly pleased that you have chosen to worship God along with us today and share in our joy. We invite you to complete our Welcome Form…